TB in the mining sector initiatives is well implemented in the country. The National strategic plan VI 2020 -2025 stipulates the mining population as key population for TB. In 2021 a total of 2,087 TB cases notified from mining population equivalent to 2.3% of national notification. Geita region has highest number of TB cases from mining occupation. TB services in mining areas were implemented in collaboration with PO RALG, MOH, Implementing partners and CSOs.
Among key activities implemented were (i) active case finding through TB screening and contact investigations using Mobile vans fitted with diagnostic equipment and use of CHCWs, (ii) advocacy and TB awareness raising campaigns (iii) Coordination mechanism through multi-sectorial technical working group (TWG) for TB in the Mining (iv) operationalization of occupational health center at Kibong’oto Infectious Disease Hospital (KIDH). The OHSC provides both clinical and rehabilitation services for most of the affected population from Mirerani area in Simanjiro DC and rest of the country.
Since establishment in 2017 to December 2021, cumulatively the center has attended a total of 6379 clients, of these 706 (11.1%) were diagnosed with TB of whom 96% were initiated treatment at the center. A total of 664 were also diagnosed with silicosis disease.
TB in the mining sectors control initiatives is facing some hiccups that setback national efforts to reduce the burden of TB in mining communities, these includes, Limited access TB services, low involvement of mining companies and low awareness on TB disease among mining population.
In year 2021, the program will continue to scale up TB services in the mining including deployment of mobile TB clinics to support TB services in remote mining areas and improve collaboration with other sectors to enhance TB interventions in this vulnerable group.