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What We Do


Tanzania free of Tuberculosis and Leprosy - zero deaths, disease and suffering due to tuberculosis and leprosy.


Provision of high-quality TB and Leprosy interventions with a focus on universal access, equity, gender, and those most at risk through effective and sustainable collaboration with partners and stakeholders at all levels.


To reduce burden and suffering from Tuberculosis and Leprosy diseases in Tanzania by 2025.


  1. 50 percent reduction in tuberculosis incidence rate (compared to 2015)
  2. 75 percent reduction in the number of tuberculosis deaths (compared to 2015)
  3. 50 percent reduction of TB affected families facing catastrophic costs due to TB
  4. 0 children (under fifteen years of age) newly diagnosed with Leprosy presenting with Grade 2 Disabilities at diagnosis.


The sixth National Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis and Leprosy (2020-2025) with its Addendum has invested in informed and impactful interventions with ambitious targets. The interventions are organized in nine thematic areas, which are formulated as objectives as follows:

  1. To increase TB treatment coverage from 53% in 2018 to 90% by 2025 by innovatively addressing barriers to access, utilization, and the needs of the key and vulnerable populations for TB care and prevention services,
  2. To expand access to quality TB diagnostic services, including the adoption of new technologies by 2025,
  3. To maintain the proportion of children with TB among the notified cases at 15% and increase the ratio of ages ‘0-4’:5-14 years from 1.3 in 2019 to 1.5 by 2025,
  4. To increase RR/MDR-TB cases detected and enrolled for treatment from 54% to 90% of the estimated TB cases among the notified by 2025,
  5. To Strengthen the management of co-morbidities including Collaborative TB/HIV, TB/Diabetes,
  6. To strengthen TB services to the population of miners and their families by 2025,
  7. To reduce leprosy prevalence in all endemic councils by 2025,
  8. To ensure the availability of supportive systems and strengthened Program management for the implementation of TB and Leprosy Services by 2025, and
  9. To ensure implementation of evidence-based interventions and decision-making through an institutionalized efficient M&E system and coordination of research by 2025.