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Leprosy Burden

In 2020, a total of 1,208 new leprosy cases were detected in the country with annual notification rate (case detection rate) of 2.6/100,000. The data shows that Morogoro and Dar es Salaam regions plus Unguja continue to notify highest number leprosy cases in the country. Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Simiyu and Songwe and Njombe regions reported only two leprosy cases and Manyara did not detect any cases. Over 80% of new leprosy cases were reported from only Unguja and other 10 regions in the mainland.

Among the new cases notified, 1,138 (94%) were MB. Females were 419 (35%) giving a female to male ratio of 1:1.9 suggesting that being male continues to remain a risk factor. The number of children notified among the new cases continue to decline and this reporting year was only 41 (3%). The number of new leprosy cases notified with disability grade II also went down to 117 (10%) as compared to 166 in 2019. Table 5 below summarizes indicator data on new leprosy cases notified in 2020 by regions and those having disability grade II according to WHO classification