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Manuals and Guidelines

Multisectoral Accountability Framework for TB Response in Tanzania (MAF-TB)

1 November 2023

Multisectoral Accountability Framework for TB Response in Tanzania

TB and Leprosy NSP M&E Plan 2020-2026_Final

16 January 2024

The M&E plan has two main parts. The purpose of the first part is to describe how the impact on progress in the control of TB and Leprosy will be measured through the indicators and targets, methods of data collection, data management and data quality. It also monitors progress in achieving planned outcomes, and delivering planned outputs and processes, as well as inputs. In the second part, the M&E plan addresses program evaluation, M&E coordination and publication of results to inform policy.

National Tuberculosis & Leprosy Strategic Plan VI_Final Version

5 May 2022

The National Plan has four components all connected and linked together as follows, the core plan, which is the narrative part, the Operational Framework and the Budget summary, which is the foundation for costing the NSP, the Laboratory strategic Operational Plan for specific diagnostic networking strategies and the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for tracking Program progress and measuring performance.

Manual for Management of Tuberculosis and Leprosy in Tanzania_7th Edition_2020

5 May 2022

Development of the seventh edition of the NTLP Manual involved an intensive careful process of engagement of stakeholders from the ministry, development and implementing partners, local and international specialists and experts, academia and research institutes.

Quality Improvement for TB Case Detection Toolkit_2021

5 May 2022

The Ministry is aiming at improving the quality of services provided at health facilities and has already developed the Tanzania Quality Improvement Framework (TQIF) as a guiding document for quality improvement of health services provision in the country. In recognition of the need to improve the quality of services many stakeholders undertook initiatives geared towards improving quality of services at health facilities including the provision of quality TB control services. The impetus for this toolkit has focused on improving the TB, TB/HIV and DR-TB services at health facilities of various levels of health care system.

TB and Leprosy NSP Operational Framework _ Final Version

21 August 2022

The National TB and Leprosy Operational Framework, was developed in a participatory manner, as a follow up on the National Strategic Plan VI core document development. Therefore the operational plan details priority actions, setting initial ground for costing the interventions and subsequently developing budget for the whole plan.

National Guideline for Management of Tuberculosis in Children_Third Edition_2016

5 May 2022

The National guidelines for the management of Tuberculosis in children is the result of collective efforts and strong commitment from Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children and partner institutions working within and outside the country. The Ministry wishes to thank the Centre for Disease control (CDC) for providing both funding and technical support for reviewing of the guideline.

National Operation Guideline for Community Based TB and Leprosy Interventions

5 May 2022

This operational guideline offers a coordinative and integrative framework to provide guidance to all community-based TB and Leprosy stakeholders in the planning, implementation, and scale up of community-based TB and Leprosy prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care activities. The motivation that led to the development of these guidelines was to enhance efficient provision of quality and systematic community-based TB and Leprosy interventions.

National Policy Guideline for TB Care and Prevention at Workplace_2018 Edition

8 July 2022

Studies and reports from various sources suggest that transmission of TB at workplaces is three to four times higher than in the community. Further studies suggest that on average, an employee with TB loses three to four months of work per year, resulting in potential losses of 20 to 30 percent of annual household income. In addition, many barriers to accessing TB- and HIV-associated services are linked to workrelated concerns, such as loss of wages or job discrimination.

Operation Manual for Tuberculosis Care & Prevention at Workplace_2018 Edition

8 July 2022

TB imposes many costs in the workplace. The disease primarily strikes individuals between the ages of 15 and 64 years—those in their productive prime. In addition to the resultant suffering and loss of income for workers, TB disrupts workflow, reduces productivity, and increases both direct costs, related to care and treatment, and indirect costs, such as the replacement and retraining of workers. Without effective treatment, employees with TB will be out of work for months. Given effective treatment, however, many employees can safely return to work within two to four weeks.

Nutrition Implementation Guideline for MDR-TB Patients in Tanzania_2016 Edition

8 July 2022

In the face of rising magnitudes of MDR-TB and the complexity in their care and treatment especially when coupled with severe undernutrition, the Ministry of Health initiated development of this nutrition implementation guideline for MDR TB patients. This document therefore aims to integrate nutrition care and treatment as part of MDR-TB care and treatment, on routine basis, while at the same time addressing sustainability issues related with the limited resources available in the health sector.

Muongozo wa Wahudumu wa Afya Ngazi ya Jamii Katika Utoaji wa Huduma za Kifua Kikuu na Ukoma

24 July 2022

Ushirikishwaji wa jamii katika huduma za TB na Ukoma umekuwa ukiwekewa mkazo na Mpango wa Taifa wa Kifua kikuu na Ukoma pamoja na Shirika la Afya Duniani (WHO) kwa miongo kadhaa sasa. Lengo la kitabu hiki ni kuwapatia watoa huduma za udhibiti wa TB na Ukoma ngazi ya jamii marejeo ya haraka wakati wa utoaji huduma ili kuleta utekelezaji bora na ufanisi kulingana na mwongozo wa utekelezaji wa udhibiti wa TB na Ukoma katika ngazi ya jamii.

Mafunzo Kuhusu Huduma Za Kifua Kikuu na Ukoma kwa Watoa Huduma za Afya Ngazi ya Jamii (Kitabu cha Muwezeshaji)

24 July 2022

Mafunzo haya ya siku tatu yametengenezwa kwa ajili ya watoa huduma za kifua kikuu na ukoma ili kuwajengea uwezo na kuwawezesha kutoa huduma za kifua kikuu na ukoma katika jamii.

Mafunzo Kuhusu Huduma Za Kifua Kikuu na Ukoma kwa Watoa Huduma za Afya Ngazi ya Jamii (Kitabu cha Mshiriki)

24 July 2022

Mafunzo haya ya siku tatu yametengenezwa kwa ajili ya watoa huduma za kifua kikuu na ukoma ili kuwajengea uwezo na kuwawezesha kutoa huduma za kifua kikuu na ukoma katika jamii.

National Procedural Manual for Comprehensive Sample Referral System, 2020 Edition

20 September 2022

The Ministry of Health developed this procedure manual for comprehensive sample referral to be used for transportation of infectious substances and diagnostic samples both nationally and internationally. It provides information for identifying and classifying the material to be transported and for its safe packaging and transport. The guidelines stress the importance of developing a working relationship between the groups that involve the sender, the carrier and the receiver in order to provide the safe and expeditious transport of this material.

National Guideline for Sample Referral System, 2019 Edition.

20 September 2022

The prevalence of HIV among adults in Tanzania is 4.7% (Tanzania HIV Impact Survey-THIS, 2018), whereby current prevalence of TB is 295/100,000 population (National TB prevalence survey, 2012). The overlap between the pandemic is substantial, an estimated 36% of TB cases in Tanzania are co-infected with HIV. Additionally, WHO indicates the incidence of TB, including TB/HIV at 269/100,000 (WHO Global TB Report, 2018).

National Guidelines for Tuberculosis Infection Control_2017 Edition

16 August 2023

National Guidelines for Tuberculosis Infection Control

NTLP Guideline on Data Quality Assessment

23 September 2022

Data Quality Assessment (DQA) is a procedure for determining whether or not a data set is suitable for its intended purpose. This assessment is an evaluation of data to determine if it is of the type, quantity and quality needed. It is performed periodically to provide clear indication of strengths/gaps in the system and assist in planning to improve data quality, build M&E capacity to address M&E challenges found at each level and also improve the overall quality on the data used at all levels to report to stakeholders.

NTLP TB Laboratory Operational Plan 2022/23

23 September 2022

The current TBLOP 2022/23 was prepared in a participatory manner to ensure that TB laboratory interventions align with the NTLP Strategic Plan- VI (NSP-VI) and addresses the TB laboratory challenges identified from various assessments. The plan builds on the significant achievements to date from the implementation of NSP V, addresses gaps identified during the past five years, and seeks to scale up best practices to achieve universal access to high-quality TB diagnosis services.

DHIS2-ETL Troubleshooting Steps

1 June 2023

DHIS2-ETL Troubleshooting Steps

TB National Diagnostic Algorithm

16 December 2024

TB National Diagnostic Algorithm